Friday, 28 February 2014

Barack Obama as Iron Man ?

Obama, "We're building Iron Man"

Proving that the growing Marvel franchise is slowly and steadily taking over the world , President Obama has now confirmed that America are building an Iron Man. Yes America's president may soon become IronMan.

In a interview Barack Obama told the world that "today I am joined by researchers who invent some of the most advanced metals on the planet." Obama then goes onto to state during a White House manufacturing innovation event, "designers who are modelling prototypes in the digital cloud, folks from the pentagon who help to support their work."

Barack Obama : "Basically I'm here to announce that we're building Iron Man."

Obviously the president is joking, however he did let slip that the American government are developing their very own super powered armoured suits, but that information is most likely top secret.

Check out the video for yourself below. 

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