Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Peter Capaldi, a one season doctor ?

Crazy Doctor Who rumour, Peter Capaldi a one season doctor ?

With the introduction of a new actor filling the shoes of the Doctor always get's Whofans excited, introducing their own take on the centuries-old man from Gallifrey. After the previous actors Matt Smith and David Tennant. The new Doctor who is said to have a darker take on the character and is the perfect role for Peter Capaldi. But could his time as the Doctor be shorter than anyone was led to believe.

This crazy who rumour was reported by The Mirror, so the fact that it is coming from the Mirror does suggest that we should take it with a Gallifrey sized grain of salt. The Mirror's Richard Beech states that he has heard that Capaldi's role was specifically intended as a transitional Doctor "in order to steer the show in a new direction and pave the way for an even more radical choice for the role."

Linking back to everyone discussion had about the turn of a new Doctor, this steer in a new direction could pave the way for a time lord regenerating as a woman or a non-white fellow. So perhaps this is what Steven Moffat intends to do with the show, but no matter the choice he makes, it will nevertheless stir up plenty of controversy and debates between Whofans.

However this could just be Moffat wrapping up his stewardship of the series and handing the reins over to whomever becomes his successor. But this all could just be white lies, I mean it would be a disappointment if we only get one season of Peter Capaldi as the the Doctor.

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