Friday 28 February 2014

One split for man, One giant leap for mankind.

Jean Claude Van Damme, doing splits in zero gravity

The internet at the moment is filled with random Jean Claude Van Damme epic split parodies. But this one may be the best yet.

I hope that one day Van Damme will venture into space and make this a reality. I can picture it now Van Damme calmly standing with his feet on two different satellites, hundreds of miles above the Earth. Unlike Sandra Bullock in Gravity, Jean just calmly stands there and lets his feet slowly drift apart until he is actually performing a split in space. There is the possibility he would get hit by a piece of debris, but he would roundhouse that piece into oblivion. 

In case you have previously been lost in space here is the original. 

Then there are the parodies. On the set of the upcoming 22 Jump Street, Channing Tatum.
Or X Men's very own Wolverine on the back of two Sentinel's

But my personal favourite is the Chuck Norris epic Christmas split 

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