Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Archaeologists Discover Cheese along with Mummies in China

Archaeologists Discover Cheese along with Mummies in China

I would say that cheese is one of my favourite foods, I don't want to spend ages talking about why I like cheese but one of the main reason why is probably its longevity. Actually only recently, some seriously ancient cheese was discovered with Mummies in China.

Archaeologists who were examining the tombs in China's Taklamakan Desert found not what they expected to see with the bodies. I have watched enough films to know that you don't go around poking mummies but appears that archaeologists play by their own rules. They investigated the mummies and discovered that there was cheese, which dated back to China's early Bronze Age and is estimated to be 3,600 years old. Don't know if it would be okay to eat though. In ten different tombs, they found cheese near the necks and chests of the mummies, presumably it is a gift or maybe a snack on the way to the next life. They identified that the cheese, was kefir cheese.

The sample found in the Taklamakan Desert is the oldest discovered cheese in the world, although scientists know that people were making cheese long before that, they have not been able to find hard evidence.

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