Sunday, 2 March 2014

Bill Nye Inadvertently helped fund a Noah's Ark fun park

Bill Nye, inadvertently helped fund a Noah's Ark fun park

The theme park known as Ark Encounter, had been put on hold due to a lack of funding, but suddenly received a massive $62 million, which was enough to bring the project back on track. Ham called this a miracle from god. He states "in God's timing, not ours and although the bond registration had already closed before February 4th and no more bond could be purchased, the high profile debate prompted some people who had registered for the bonds to make sure they followed through with submitting the necessary and sometimes complicated paperwork."

Ham has aims to build a 510 foot long ark with three decks, located in Willamstown, which is give or take 40 miles from Cincinnati. Ham believes that the ark will become the largest all wood structure in the country. He plans to have a petting zoo, because you can't build Noah's ark without two of each animal. Construction is estimated to begin this year and the park may be open to visitors as early as 2016. 

Despite Ham's interpretation of the Bible, the site does mention that the Ark will be constructed by many people not just one single man (Noah). Ham's and his official spokespeople for the project have admitted that many people "want to ridicule rather than investigate,"

Many people are saying "I told you so" to Nye. The overall theme of the debate was that Nye couldn't win or even if he did have compelling arguments, they still would not even matter. Many people predicted that due to Nye participating in the debate, his life long dream to promote science literacy would be undercut. I confess that I did not manage to watch the entire debate between Nye and Ham, I did give it a try but as soon as Ken Ham started talking about how because we can't see evolution it must be a belief , I decided I would watch something else.

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